Struggled with Math
"A year ago we bought the first part of your math program. We have used it and have now bought the second part of your math program. My boys have struggled with understanding math and to be quite honest, I really struggled with math. When we got the first combined module set, I immediately started it with my boys and me. Where math was not really looked forward to before, it has now become our most enjoyable subject. It has been exciting to see the boys grasp new concepts and ideas. They enjoy it so much and understand what they are doing that they have even gone to church and shown other kids how to figure out different problems.
For example, the boys are involved in a scouting program that has to have dues paid. They are allowed to either pay the dues cash or collect a certain amount of aluminum cans to pay for the dues. My boys have gone into their group and have actually figured out how much each can is worth towards the dues. They know how many cans they have to collect in order to pay their dues. It has been exciting for me to see them have fun with it. We have also been studying Ancient Egypt. One of my boys has enjoyed the math so much that he has done some research into the Egyptian math. He found out how they wrote their numbers and two of my boys have actually taken some playtime and done some of their math problems using Egyptian numerals. Thank you so much for making your program available to people who home school." - D.G.
For example, the boys are involved in a scouting program that has to have dues paid. They are allowed to either pay the dues cash or collect a certain amount of aluminum cans to pay for the dues. My boys have gone into their group and have actually figured out how much each can is worth towards the dues. They know how many cans they have to collect in order to pay their dues. It has been exciting for me to see them have fun with it. We have also been studying Ancient Egypt. One of my boys has enjoyed the math so much that he has done some research into the Egyptian math. He found out how they wrote their numbers and two of my boys have actually taken some playtime and done some of their math problems using Egyptian numerals. Thank you so much for making your program available to people who home school." - D.G.

"I am thrilled with using Systematic Mathematics. I have used many other math programs over my 14 years of homeschooling and I will have to say that although this is not the fanciest, nor the most colorful and cool looking, it is by far the best at doing what I want it to do, and that is to actually TEACH MATH! I saw immediate results with my 11 year old, and he continues to “get” concepts that he never got before. It’s one thing to learn how to “do the problems”. But it is quite another to actually learn exactly what you are doing and why and how that all fits into the real world. That is exactly what Paul teaches in Systematic Mathematics. Math, the “old school” way. I just love it and wish I had found it years ago! This is one math curriculum that I HIGHLY recommend." - Pamela S. Berthume, Homeschooling Mom Since 1993, Creator of HOMESCHOOLOPOLY® & Author.
Finally Understanding Math
"I called you about six weeks ago concerning my children. I took your advice and administered the diagnostic test. They were unable to complete most of the test. I ordered Establishing the Basics for my 6th and 8th graders. I ordered Math Rescue for my 10th grader. Next week my 10th grader will complete Math Rescue and we will order the Algebra set. I plan to have my 8th grader work on Applying Mathematics in summer school so he can begin Algebra before 10th grade.
I'll be honest, the first day they used the dvd's they were a little bit critical. I quoted what you had told me, "I'm not in any competition with Stephen Speilberg. It's just an old man teaching math." I told them to stick with it and give it a reasonable chance. By the end of the week they were very happy. Your sense of humor helps make the lessons more appealing. However, the biggest draw to the kids is that they are really understanding the math. They realize that they are learning and they are encouraging me to purchase more of your products. I am so glad that the Lord directed us to your materials. Thank you," - S.J.
I'll be honest, the first day they used the dvd's they were a little bit critical. I quoted what you had told me, "I'm not in any competition with Stephen Speilberg. It's just an old man teaching math." I told them to stick with it and give it a reasonable chance. By the end of the week they were very happy. Your sense of humor helps make the lessons more appealing. However, the biggest draw to the kids is that they are really understanding the math. They realize that they are learning and they are encouraging me to purchase more of your products. I am so glad that the Lord directed us to your materials. Thank you," - S.J.
Math Rescue
"Dear Paul,
We started using the Math Rescue for our homeschooled 8th grader this year. He had lost confidence and also the desire to do math. Now, at lesson 17, he actually enjoys and understands this subject! We are very satisfied with the quick "rescue" of our son's attitude and confidence. We especially enjoy your style of teaching, comfortably paced and using some humor - you obviously enjoy teaching the subject. Greatly appreciated is the manner in which you use everyday "real" life situations to teach the math concepts. Not only is our student learning the math concepts, but he is motivated to learn because he sees the many ways to actually use math in his world. Thank you for the good work! PS. My husband and I have both commented that we are learning and finally understanding some math that we "missed" in our own education!
Sincerely," - T.D.
We started using the Math Rescue for our homeschooled 8th grader this year. He had lost confidence and also the desire to do math. Now, at lesson 17, he actually enjoys and understands this subject! We are very satisfied with the quick "rescue" of our son's attitude and confidence. We especially enjoy your style of teaching, comfortably paced and using some humor - you obviously enjoy teaching the subject. Greatly appreciated is the manner in which you use everyday "real" life situations to teach the math concepts. Not only is our student learning the math concepts, but he is motivated to learn because he sees the many ways to actually use math in his world. Thank you for the good work! PS. My husband and I have both commented that we are learning and finally understanding some math that we "missed" in our own education!
Sincerely," - T.D.
Diagnosing Substraction
I have to write to thank you already before I even have received the package we just ordered. I just tested our children with your Subtraction test available on your website for free. I thought it would be a good place to start as we wait for it to arrive, to see where all our children of various ages were. Math has always been a poor subject for us, and our oldest daughter has had particular problems that has made her extremely discouraged at ever advancing in her math abilities. I cannot tell you what this little diagnostic test has shown us today!
She got a very high rate of mistakes on it, which didn't surprise me when even her younger siblings all got only one wrong. But, when I analyzed her mistakes we discovered that she had picked up a wrong habit when subtracting on her fingers to choose what was left rather than how many was on her fingers. I don't know how she picked up this but she went on to correct this and got all the answers correct after this! It at least made her smile for once to know she was able to correct this and got them all right. I know this program will help her go back and correct and properly understand math and may now finally give us some hope that she will be able to complete her studies in math. Hope is a powerful thing and I thank you for bringing it back to my daughter. I thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with a good and useful
tool to use with our children." - R.D.
She got a very high rate of mistakes on it, which didn't surprise me when even her younger siblings all got only one wrong. But, when I analyzed her mistakes we discovered that she had picked up a wrong habit when subtracting on her fingers to choose what was left rather than how many was on her fingers. I don't know how she picked up this but she went on to correct this and got all the answers correct after this! It at least made her smile for once to know she was able to correct this and got them all right. I know this program will help her go back and correct and properly understand math and may now finally give us some hope that she will be able to complete her studies in math. Hope is a powerful thing and I thank you for bringing it back to my daughter. I thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with a good and useful
tool to use with our children." - R.D.
Asperger's Syndrome
"I really like systematic mathematics. I can really understand all the mathematical concepts very well because watching the DVD and seeing him writing on the chalkboard makes it really easy to understand the concepts. And after I am done watching the DVD when I do the worksheet it is just a piece of cake to do. I really enjoy using systematic mathematics because all the other math curriculums just put to many different concepts together and it’s hard to understand them each individually." - J.Jay, Age 11
No More Tears
"Dear Paul:
Your program is an answer to prayer! Previously, the mere mention of doing math could reduce my daughter to tears. She greatly disliked it and felt terribly unsuccessful. As the homeschool teacher, I also felt unsuccessful because I could not seem to present it in a way that did not cause great distress over the subject nor could I encourage her to feel more positively about math. Yesterday, when I said it was time to do math, I was met with the all to common resistance. I reassured her it was going to be different this time. I placed the first DVD in the player, sat her in front of the TV and handed her the three sheets she needed for the lesson. Her eyes widened and she said this is it? No book? I smiled and said just watch. She was intrigued, engaged and participating! Everything "clicked". We worked the first worksheet together. My job being to guide her in form and format. By the end of the lesson which took no more than 45 min from start to finish, she declared "I love math"! This is the greatest program ever. Today, before we started lesson 02, she further explained what she liked the best was that everything was explained completely before she had to do the work. In addition to worksheet 02 which she completed in record time with no errors, she is now doing worksheet 02A. Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!!" - R.M.
Your program is an answer to prayer! Previously, the mere mention of doing math could reduce my daughter to tears. She greatly disliked it and felt terribly unsuccessful. As the homeschool teacher, I also felt unsuccessful because I could not seem to present it in a way that did not cause great distress over the subject nor could I encourage her to feel more positively about math. Yesterday, when I said it was time to do math, I was met with the all to common resistance. I reassured her it was going to be different this time. I placed the first DVD in the player, sat her in front of the TV and handed her the three sheets she needed for the lesson. Her eyes widened and she said this is it? No book? I smiled and said just watch. She was intrigued, engaged and participating! Everything "clicked". We worked the first worksheet together. My job being to guide her in form and format. By the end of the lesson which took no more than 45 min from start to finish, she declared "I love math"! This is the greatest program ever. Today, before we started lesson 02, she further explained what she liked the best was that everything was explained completely before she had to do the work. In addition to worksheet 02 which she completed in record time with no errors, she is now doing worksheet 02A. Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!!" - R.M.
Dealing with Dyslexia
"I looked up your website and asked my very dyslexic husband whether he thought the Saxon or the Systematic Math would be better for our very dyslexic sons. His immediate response was, "this (meaning the Saxon) gives me a headache. There are so many problems on each page. This other one (meaning your Systematic Math) is what they need. It applies to everyday life." I ordered right away and have reviewed your program and was absolutely stunned when I came to lesson 8 of the 6th grade math and realized I'd never been taught how to divide hours and minutes and seconds in the same problem. You made it sooooo simple. Although I enjoyed math in school, I am looking forward to learning the math I never learned!! You know they say homeschooling is for the parents. :) Thank you," - L.R.
Math Rescue
"Dear Mr. Ziegler,
I want to thank you so much for "Math Rescue." I have been homeschooling for 14 years and I have never used anything like it! I have spent at least $1000.00 on math programs through the years and usually end up frustrated. You explain things in such a clear manner. I really like hearing the "moms" in your class! Blessings," - D.M.
I want to thank you so much for "Math Rescue." I have been homeschooling for 14 years and I have never used anything like it! I have spent at least $1000.00 on math programs through the years and usually end up frustrated. You explain things in such a clear manner. I really like hearing the "moms" in your class! Blessings," - D.M.
Word Problems
"Dear Sir,
I would like to say thank you very much for your program. My daughter, who thinks she is math illiterate, has just completed your Word Problems module. Last year word problems were a definite, "I just can't do it, I just don't understand." Now she is able to do the hardest problems you have on the worksheets with little or no help from me! It has improved her self-esteem and helped keep my sanity. Lord bless you and your work," - C.M.
I would like to say thank you very much for your program. My daughter, who thinks she is math illiterate, has just completed your Word Problems module. Last year word problems were a definite, "I just can't do it, I just don't understand." Now she is able to do the hardest problems you have on the worksheets with little or no help from me! It has improved her self-esteem and helped keep my sanity. Lord bless you and your work," - C.M.
From a Teacher
"Dear Paul,
I have been wanting to write for some time now, but as a "green" teacher, I have had much on my plate. Now that things are getting more settled, I wanted to talk to you about your curriculum. First and foremost. I love it! We introduced math the third day of school, explaining how it would work, etc. About half of our twenty students made comments like "I hate math!...ooohhhhh, do we have to?" The one student that was the most vocal is the furthest ahead now in her group of students. Almost impossible to get her to do something else sometimes. When I jokingly asked the class to remind me what she had said about math she just laughed. "Oh, oh I know, but I like it now."
As a teacher, I am truly enjoying being able to understand it myself and help the students myself. If not, some of the other students who have done the previous lesson can fill me in, and it makes sense immediately most of the time. Some of the girls think that they really can't do it, and then they whip out an assignment in minutes sometimes. So fun to watch. I have added to my own learning so much. I have been reading a book about the "human calculator" and we are incorporating some of the other methods he uses for times tables, and fractions and it has really helped me to get a greater understanding of some basic principles.
One of my favorite parts of your system is how practical it really is. I started to see from the beginning that it was real math with real application. I could also see how you set it up literally line upon line and precept on precept. Which fits so well with the goals we have for the school to build a foundation of understanding and learning. We have moved several of the older kids into Math Rescue because most of them should be in algebra, but the foundation is so important that I am having them do that first. They are moving pretty fast, sometimes several lessons a day. The method we use in the class is referred to as mastery.
They self check their work with the answers and just a red pen or pencil, and then they have to go back to their desk and correct the problem areas. Then they have to explain to me where they went wrong, and show me how they refigured it before they can move on to the next lesson. Overall, I am seeing the lights go on in their heads. Very exciting.
Anyway, thank you for developing this system. It is a joy to work with and see the students actually comprehending the stuff they are doing. Thank you again," - CornerStone Academy
I have been wanting to write for some time now, but as a "green" teacher, I have had much on my plate. Now that things are getting more settled, I wanted to talk to you about your curriculum. First and foremost. I love it! We introduced math the third day of school, explaining how it would work, etc. About half of our twenty students made comments like "I hate math!...ooohhhhh, do we have to?" The one student that was the most vocal is the furthest ahead now in her group of students. Almost impossible to get her to do something else sometimes. When I jokingly asked the class to remind me what she had said about math she just laughed. "Oh, oh I know, but I like it now."
As a teacher, I am truly enjoying being able to understand it myself and help the students myself. If not, some of the other students who have done the previous lesson can fill me in, and it makes sense immediately most of the time. Some of the girls think that they really can't do it, and then they whip out an assignment in minutes sometimes. So fun to watch. I have added to my own learning so much. I have been reading a book about the "human calculator" and we are incorporating some of the other methods he uses for times tables, and fractions and it has really helped me to get a greater understanding of some basic principles.
One of my favorite parts of your system is how practical it really is. I started to see from the beginning that it was real math with real application. I could also see how you set it up literally line upon line and precept on precept. Which fits so well with the goals we have for the school to build a foundation of understanding and learning. We have moved several of the older kids into Math Rescue because most of them should be in algebra, but the foundation is so important that I am having them do that first. They are moving pretty fast, sometimes several lessons a day. The method we use in the class is referred to as mastery.
They self check their work with the answers and just a red pen or pencil, and then they have to go back to their desk and correct the problem areas. Then they have to explain to me where they went wrong, and show me how they refigured it before they can move on to the next lesson. Overall, I am seeing the lights go on in their heads. Very exciting.
Anyway, thank you for developing this system. It is a joy to work with and see the students actually comprehending the stuff they are doing. Thank you again," - CornerStone Academy